Notification - Manage Quay Container Registry repository notifications

The Notification custom resource relies on a Secret resource to provide the connection parameters to the Quay instance. This Secret resource must include the following data:

  • host: URL for accessing the Quay API, such as for example.
  • validateCerts: Whether to allow insecure connections to the API. By default, insecure connections are refused.
  • token: OAuth access token for authenticating against the API. To create such a token see the Creating an OAuth Access Token documentation. You can also use the ApiToken custom resource to create this token.
  • username: The username to use for authenticating against the API. If token is set, then username is ignored.
  • password: The password to use for authenticating against the API. If token is set, then password is ignored.

You can create the secret by using the kubectl create secret command:

kubectl create secret generic quay-credentials --from-literal host= --from-literal validateCerts=false --from-literal token=vFYyU2D0fHYXvcA3Y5TYfMrIMyVIH9YmxoVLsmku

Or you can create the secret from a resource file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: quay-credentials
  validateCerts: "false"
  token: vFYyU2D0fHYXvcA3Y5TYfMrIMyVIH9YmxoVLsmku

You refer to this secret in your Notification custom resource by using the connSecretRef property. See the usage example.


Do not delete the Secret resource if a Quay custom resource still references it. If you delete the Secret resource, then the Operator cannot connect to the Quay API anymore, and cannot synchronize the Quay custom resource with its corresponding object in Quay. In addition, deleting the Quay custom resource does not complete because the Operator cannot delete the corresponding object in Quay.

If you face this issue, then edit the custom resource (kubectl edit), and set the .spec.preserveInQuayOnDeletion property to true. Alternatively, you can remove the .metadata.finalizers section. In both case, you must manually delete the corresponding object in Quay.

Usage Example

kind: Notification
  name: notification-sample
  # Connection parameters in a Secret resource
    name: quay-credentials
    # By default, the operator looks for the secret in the same namespace as
    # the notification resource, but you can specify a different namespace.
    # namespace: mynamespace

  # Whether to preserve the corresponding Quay object when you
  # delete the resource.
  preserveInQuayOnDeletion: false

  repository: production/smallimage
  title: Notify critical image vulnerabilities to Slack
  event: vulnerability_found
  vulnerabilityLevel: critical
  method: slack



Configuration parameters for the notification method.

Type: object (see the following properties)

Required: False

Default value: None

Destination email address. Required by the email notification method.

Type: string

Required: False

Default value: None


API token required for the Flowdock notification method.

Type: string

Required: False

Default value: None

Name of the account, team, or organization. Robot accounts are not allowed. Required by the Quay Notification method.

Type: string

Required: False

Default value: None


Notification token required for the HipChat notification method.

Type: string

Required: False

Default value: None


Chat room ID required for the HipChat notification method.

Type: string

Required: False

Default value: None


JSON data for the body content of the webhook POST method.

Type: string

Required: False

Default value: None


Specifies the type of the account defined in name. Only applies to the Quay Notification method.

Type: string

Required: False

Default value: user


Webhook URL for the Slack method or POST URL for the webhook POST method.

Type: string

Required: False

Default value: None


Reference to the secret resource that stores the connection parameters to the Quay Container Registry API. The secret must include the host, token (or username and password), and optionally the validateCerts keys.

Type: object (see the following properties)

Required: True

Default value: None

Name of the secret resource.

Type: string

Required: True

Default value: None


Namespace of the secret resource. By default, the secret resource is retrieved from the same namespace as the current Notification resource.

Type: string

Required: False

Default value: None


Event that triggers the notification. Depending of the activated Quay components, not all events might be available on your system.

Type: string

Required: False

Default value: None


Notification method. Each method requires a specific set of options that you define by using the config parameter. The email notification method is only available on Quay installations where the mailing capability has been activated (FEATURE_MAILING to true in config.yaml).

Type: string

Required: False

Default value: None


Whether to preserve the corresponding Quay object when you delete the Notification resource. When set to false (the default), the object is deleted from Quay.

Type: boolean

Required: False

Default value: False


The regular expression to search in the title of the existing notifications. This does not have to match the entire title. The resource uses that regular expression to select the notifications to process. For state=present, the resource resets the failure counter (if resetFailcount is true) or initiates a test (if test is true) of all the matching notifications. For state=absent, the resource deletes all the notifications that match. Uses Python regular expressions. See Mutually exclusive with searchString.

Type: string

Required: False

Default value: None


Name of the repository which contains the notifications to manage. The format for the name is namespace/shortname. The namespace can be an organization or a personal namespace. If you omit the namespace part in the name, then the resource looks for the repository in your personal namespace.

Type: string

Required: True

Default value: None


Reset the notification failure counter.

Type: boolean

Required: False

Default value: None


The literal string to search in the title of the existing notifications. This does not have to match the entire line. For state=present, the resource resets the failure counter (if resetFailcount is true) or initiates a test (if test is true) of all the matching notifications. For state=absent, the resource deletes all the notifications that match. Mutually exclusive with regexp.

Type: string

Required: False

Default value: None


Initiate a test of the notification.

Type: boolean

Required: False

Default value: None


Notification title.

Type: string

Required: False

Default value: None


Only used when event is vulnerability_found. The notification is triggered when the vulnerability has a level equal or higher to the level you define is vulnerabilityLevel.

Type: string

Required: False

Default value: None

Listing the Notification Resources

You can retrieve the list of the Notification custom resources in a namespace by using the kubectl get command:

kubectl get -n <namespace>